24 Hr. Emergency Service

Horhut Tree Experts

Deer Management

Deer Management in Pittsburgh Controlling Damage & Disease

Deer in and around the Pittsburgh area seem to coexist with ease among the human population. With an area dominated by tall buildings, busy roads, and bustling communities, deer wander around seemingly unphased by all of the activity and commotion. With that, however, means they’ve become commonplace on residential and commercial properties, along with parks and recreation areas. The creates challenges when growing and maintaining arborvitae, yews, hostas, tulips, and other types of plants and flowers.

Environmental Concerns

Tree pruning is a technical and scientific skill that should only be carried out by trained professionals, such as an ISA® Certified Arborist field technician on staff at Horhut Tree Experts. We implement, follow, and carryout all pruning activities based on ANSI A300 Standards.

Call Horhut Tree Experts for all your Pittsburgh tree pruning needs!

Deer Damaging Trees

Human Disease

In addition to plant damage, deer can also carry ticks that create problems like Lyme disease among pets, children, adults and the elderly. Lyme disease is an inflammatory disease that can develop into arthritis, neurological and cardiac disorders. Shocking results provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) show that between 2004-2016, the State of Pennsylvania reported the largest number of Lyme disease infections among any other state – many of them reported right here in Allegheny County. With numbers this close to home, Horhut Tree Services has created a deer management program to curb the population.

Creating a Balance Among Wildlife, Humans and the Environment

With deer roaming our neighborhoods and an uprising in plant damage, tick bites and Lyme disease, Horhut Tree Services knows how important it is to get control of the deer population on your residential, commercial or recreational property. With the safety of your plants, family, and wildlife in mind, the Horhut Tree Services Deer Management program offers various solutions to deer problems, including:

Our Residential Tree Services Include:

Our Residential tree services ensure your trees and shrubs stay healthy and vibrant, enhancing your home’s curb appeal.

Why Call Horhut Tree Experts?

Boost your home’s curb appeal and keep your property safe for yourself and your family with our residential tree services. Horhut Tree Experts are ISA® Certified Arborists and members of the American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA). We offer consultations on residential properties in the greater Pittsburgh area. Our expert team follows only the best cultural practices for the cultivation and management of trees, shrubs, and other plant-life.

At Horhut Tree Experts, we make your trees our business. Call us today at 412-855-2703!