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How Uncured Trees Can Harm Your Home

Tree Service for Fallen Tree

Thriving and growing trees certainly grab your attention. Nature’s natural respirators are something you look for when looking for a home. Though beautiful, uncured trees are potentially destructive to your home. The arborists at Horhut Tree Experts know how to help with tree service in Pittsburgh.

Roots of the Tree

When looking at beautiful trees, we rarely consider their strength and ability to cause harm. The roots of trees are a common issue when removing trees as they can damage homes more than one way. Roots have the strength to move the soil and materials of your home’s foundation. This can result in weak points in your home’s foundation as the tree grows and soil shifts.

Additionally, roots can break down plumbing lines. If you see unexplainable water puddles, the roots could have potentially damaged your plumbing pipes.
Both issues require a professional arborist to service your trees to maneuver around pipes or materials in your foundation.

Dead Trees

Dead trees that have not been removed can pose a potential danger to your home. Be cognizant of your trees’ health, so you know what needs to be done to keep both your home and family safe. This issue is relatively straightforward.
Trees can crack from storms, old age, or weight. These cracks are a sign it could tip over at any point in time. While the tree could fall in the opposite direction of your home, there’s still a chance it falls in the direction of your home, potentially causing you to have to replace your roof or repair multiple floors. Primarily dead trees do fall. However, because of strong winds, natural disasters, or storms, healthy trees could also fall.

Unwanted Guests

Nobody wants pests! Trees do become home to pests, whether that be squirrels, owls, or termites. The tree’s proximity to your home depends on if these pests will become unwanted house guests.Be aware of termites before you purchase your home, as that can become an expensive project.

To combat these problems, trim your branches and remove trees to remove the risk of them causing damage.

Getting Help from a Local Tree Company

Stay aware of what is happening with your trees. With the proper care and tree service in Pittsburgh, your trees can become a wonderful addition to your home. The arborists of Horhut Tree Experts know what is best for your Pittsburgh tree service. The woody plant specialists provide top-notch tree service to help your trees thrive. Contact Horhut Tree Experts today by calling (412) 855-2703 or visiting their website to request a quote. You will want to experience the Horhut difference!

Contact Horhut Tree Experts Today

Ready to take the next step? Whether you need a consultation or immediate tree removal services, our team is here to help. Contact Horhut Tree Experts today for professional, reliable tree removal in Pittsburgh.
