24 Hr. Emergency Service

Is My Tree Dying?

Dying Trees

If you’re wondering whether your tree is dying or if it can be nursed back to health, there are a few signs you can look for. At Horhut Tree Experts, we’ve put together a guide to help you determine the best course of action for saving a dying tree.

Determine The Issue with the Tree

There are several factors that may affect the health of your tree. Some of the main factors that can cause a tree to be in poor health include:

Environmental Changes

Issues like compacted soil can make it difficult for the roots of the trees to get the water and air they need to help the tree thrive. So if you’ve recently paved over the area near the tree or compacted the soil through vehicle traffic or foot traffic, then it could be affecting the tree’s ability to receive nutrients.

If there is no compaction, then the soil could be contaminated. If chemicals have been dumped down the drain and the roots are tapped into the drain or if paint or oil has been spilled around the base of the tree, it can cause a decline in tree health as the roots absorb these substances.

Common Diseases that Affect Trees

While the disease can affect your trees in a variety of ways, bacteria and fungi are the top cause of health issues in trees. Fungi include but are not limited to canker tree disease, sooty mold, root rot, and oak wilt. Common bacterial diseases in trees include but are not limited to bacterial cankers, drippy nut of oak, and yellows.

Treating Your Tree

The experienced team at Horhut Tree Experts can evaluate your tree and diagnose whether it is an environmental issue or a disease. From there, we can create a proper treatment plan to save the tree.

Typically, we will begin by performing a moderate pruning of 30% of foliage on the affected tree. This helps to lighten the tree’s load and allow it to focus the remaining nutrients on the branches we’ve left behind. It’s important to keep in mind that DIY pruning can be dangerous if you are not experienced with tree disease and pests, leading to harming the tree or causing the tree to fall.

We can then provide you with instructions on how much to water the tree to help it bounce back to optimal health.

What do I Do If My Tree Can’t be Saved?

If you have a tree that is beyond saving, you will need a professional to come out and remove it. Some signs that your tree needs to be removed include, but are not limited to:

  • Damage or decay
  • Hollow trunk
  • Infection of certain fungal diseases
  • New or major lean
  • Dead or dying (no leaves or buds during the growing season, dead branches, etc.)
  • Extensive insect damage
  • Root rot
  • and more

If your tree is in poor health, it is critical to contact the certified arborists at Horhut Tree Experts so we can evaluate and either treat or remove the tree. If the tree is unsafe, it could lead to property damage or injury, and if it is infected with a fungus or bacteria, it could infect the surrounding trees.

Contact us today to learn more about our tree removal services.

Contact Horhut Tree Experts Today

Ready to take the next step? Whether you need a consultation or immediate tree removal services, our team is here to help. Contact Horhut Tree Experts today for professional, reliable tree removal in Pittsburgh.
