If you have trees on your Pittsburgh property, they more than likely are a prominent feature of your landscape. Trees, a beautiful addition to any yard, can stand out even more if they are sickly or dying. From insect infestations to lightning strikes to tree diseases, there can be a variety of reasons that the health of a tree is compromised. As a property owner, it is essential that you recognize the common signs of a dying tree and take the necessary steps to preserve the tree’s life. Let’s get started with what you should look for:
One obvious sign of a dying tree is the lack of leaves or reduction in the production of leaves during the growing season. If your trees have bare spots during April or May in Pittsburgh, then they may be experiencing a form of tree disease. If you have deciduous trees (ones that lose their leaves in winter) that begin to lose their leaves in the growing season or their leaves become brown and brittle, you more than likely have a tree that is dying. For evergreen trees, signs of an unhealthy tree include yellow needles. If the needles have turned brown or red, the tree is on the verge of dying.
Depending on the type of tree, branches breaking off may be a sign that your tree is dying. The exception is for pecan trees, which are self-pruning and otherwise healthy. For other trees, when too many branches break and fall off, the tree will soon die. Another sign to look for is fungus, which only grows on decaying wood. Additionally, if you see holes in the branches, wood-boring insects tend to attack dying trees.
A good indicator of a dying tree is the lack of new bark appearing when old bark has fallen off. Also, brittle bark may be a sign that your tree is in distress. Once again, if you see fungus or holes with an infestation of insects, that is an indicator of a dying tree.
Sawdust-like piles at the base of the trunk is a sure sign of insect infestation, which will ultimately kill the tree, and possibly spread to other trees on your property.
Unfortunately, if you have trees on your Pittsburgh property, there is a possibility that they may die from tree diseases, lightning strikes, insect infestations, etc. The most important thing is to notice the signs that there is a problem and contact arborists, such as Horhut Tree Experts in Pittsburgh, to diagnose the problem and make your trees well again.
Quality Tree Care Provided by Certified Arborists in Pittsburgh
At Horhut Tree Experts, our team of professionals and certified master arborists not only have years of experience in tree removal, but they are also experts when it comes to inspecting trees that may be unhealthy. If you require quality tree care or would like to speak to an arborist about your Pittsburgh property, call Horhut Tree Experts at 412-855-2703.